Instructions & Guidelines

Test add-on

To make the process of creating add-ons easier for you, we’ve created a testing environment where you can test how your add-ons would work in Clockify.

To access the testing environment, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your developer account
  2. Navigate to the Test accounts section and log in as one of the pre-made users
  3. You’ll be redirected to the Clockify test environment
  4. From there, go to Workspace settings
  5. Select the Add-ons tab (visible to admins only)
  6. Add those you want to test in your environment
  7. Insert the link in the text box and click Install

Toast message will appear indicating a successful installation.

All added add-ons will be listed on the page.

  • Icon (if available, if not – default image)
  • Name (from manifest)
  • Status (enabled/disabled)
  • Short description (from manifest)
  • More options (listed if there are any) 
  • Settings (Optional and defined in manifest. If they exist, you can click on the Settings, and the Add-on settings page will open. 
    There are two types of settings: 
    • Clockify settings – saved on our server and specified in manifest
    • Settings – add-on settings that can be done by developers and displayed as an iFrame on this page)
  • Enable/disable (Installed add-on is automatically enabled)
  • Webhooks (opens a modal regarding add-on webhooks)
    Modal that opens displays webhooks that are sent from Clockify to this add-on.
  • Uninstall (disabled add-on and removes it from the list)

To maintain a secure environment and prevent potential misuse, your data will be automatically cleared every month.