The UI components are pages which are used to integrate your add-ons UI with Clockify. They serve as an entry point to the user's interaction with your add-on.
UI components are served as HTML pages and loaded inside iframes when redered on the Clockify site. At the time of loading, components will be provided with the relevant context they need in order to function such as an authentication token as well as information the current location on the app and information about the user.
Entrypoints to your components can be added to a variety of available locations on the Clockify site.
UI components must be defined in the add-on manifest. They contain information about the location, label, icon and other component-specific attributes as detailed on the components section of the manifest. Components can be added, modified or removed in subsequent versions of you add-on. Changes to an add-on components will not take effect until the new version of the add-on is approved and published.
The settings UI is also a UI component, with the only difference being that it's not defined as part of the components
but rather as part of the settings
field of the manifest.
UI components can interact with the Clockify API in two ways:
All components are provided with an authentication token in the form of a query parameter. This token has the same permissions and access as the user who is currently viewing the UI.
This token, which in case it's provided to UI components is called the user token
, can be used to make authenticated requests to the Clockify API.
In this case it's up to the developer to implement the relevant authentication mechanisms and APIs.
The add-on will be provided with an installation token in case the installed
lifecycle has been configured, although you may also choose to forward the user token to your backend service as part of the requests.
There are three types of components in Clockify, each having its own location where the component will be shown.
A sidebar entry is an entry that is added to the add-ons section of the Clockify sidebar, located on the left side of the page. New entries always default to the add-ons section, although they can be manually moved according to the user's preferences. Add-on can add new element in a sidebar automatically, or if user enables it through Settings by clicking Show more and Add-ons.
Now, you can specify sidebar’s properties:
Element can be moved from the Add-on to other sections and is removed from the Add-on section if it is uninstalled or disabled in the optional add-on’s settings.
A widget is a small icon which is displayed at the bottom-right section of the page. It serves an entrypoint to UI components that are defined with the WIDGET
The widget icon will serve as an entrypoint to one or more UI components according to the rules below:
Widget icon is displayed if at least one add-on with widget component is installed and enabled at the bottom right corner of the page.
Widget list is displayed if more than one add-on with widget component is installed and enabled at the bottom right corner of the page.
Widget is not visible if there are no installed add-ons that have widget as a component in the manifest, or if all add-ons with widget component are disabled.
A tab is a location that can be defined for components which extend the functionality of existing pages with tabs. Add-on tabs will be added after the default tabs of the pages that support them.
Add-on can add new element in tab automatically, or if user enables it through Settings. Add-on tabs are added after the existing tabs and are sorted by the date when they where added.
Tabs can be added to the following pages:
The Settings UI is technically also a UI location, although it must be configured on the settings field rather than as a component. The UI can be accessed through the add-on options dropdown on the add-ons tab.
A component can be configured to be visible to everyone, or only to users with the admin role.