Getting Started

Creating an account

Although you can start building your add-on prior to creating a developer account, you’ll need the account to make the first add-on version and start the add-on lifecycle, from creating to publishing. Go to the developer page, create account and make new and exciting products with us.

How to create developer account?

In order to create an add-on version, or submit any piece of code for a review, you need to have a Developer account.

To create an account:

  1. Go to the Developer page
  2. Choose Sign up
  3. Enter email address in the box
  4. Click Sign up

Verify your email by clicking on the verification link you received on your email address.

Verification link expires after 24 hours.

After your email is verified, you’ll jump to the modal prompting you to create an account.

Signup Modal

Enter the following:

  • Email
  • Name
  • Password

Accept our Terms of Use and click Create account to complete the process.

Use your account to create and edit your vendor profile, create and manage your add-ons and access your testing environment.